Publication Ethics
The publication of articles in JGPPS is a crucial element in building a credible and respected knowledge network. The quality of published work reflects the academic standards of the authors as well as the institutions that support them. The peer review process ensures the validity of scientific methods, so it is important to establish clear ethical standards for all parties involved, including authors, editors, reviewers, publishers, and the academic community.
As the publisher of JGPPS, PT Jousco Indonesia Maju has a responsibility to maintain integrity throughout the publishing process. We are committed to ensuring that commercial aspects, such as advertising and reprints, do not influence editorial decisions.
Publication Decision
JGPPS editors are responsible for determining which articles are worthy of publication based on the validity of the research and its relevance to academics and readers. This decision follows the editorial board policy and takes into account legal aspects related to plagiarism, copyright, and defamation. If necessary, the editor may consult with reviewers or other editors before making a final decision.
Principle of Fair Play
Editors evaluate manuscripts based on their scientific content without considering the authors' race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, nationality, or political views.
Editors and editorial staff are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of information related to submitted manuscripts, except to interested parties, such as authors, reviewers, editorial advisors, and publishers.
Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest
Unpublished material in submitted manuscripts may not be used for personal use by the editors without written permission from the author.
Contribution to Editorial Decisions
Peer review helps editors determine the appropriateness of an article for publication. In addition, this process also helps authors improve the quality of their manuscripts through constructive feedback.
Reviewers who feel incompetent in reviewing a manuscript or unable to complete the review within the allotted time should immediately notify the editor and withdraw from the review process.
Any manuscript received for review must be kept confidential and may not be discussed with any other party without the editor's permission.
Objectivity Standard
Reviews should be conducted objectively, without personal criticism of the author. The reviewer's opinion should be clearly stated with supporting arguments.
Source Recognition
Reviewers should identify relevant references that have not been cited by the authors. If there are substantial similarities between the manuscript under review and other published works, the reviewer should inform the editor.
Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest
Information or ideas obtained through the review process must be kept confidential and not used for personal gain. Reviewers should not review a manuscript if there is a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of their judgment.
Reporting Standard
Authors must present the research accurately and objectively and provide enough detail to allow replication by other researchers. Intentional errors or misrepresentation of data is considered an ethical violation.
Originality and Plagiarism
Authors must ensure that the work submitted is their own original work and cite other sources appropriately if using ideas or words from others.
Multiple, Redundant, or Concurrent Publication
Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal simultaneously is an unacceptable breach of ethics.
Source Recognition
Authors should cite relevant sources and give credit to research that has significantly contributed to their work.
Determination of Authorship
Only individuals who made significant contributions to the research can be listed as authors. All co-authors must approve the final version of the manuscript before it is submitted for publication.
Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest
Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could affect the interpretation of their research results and list the source of research funding.
Errors in Published Works
If authors discover significant errors in a published article, they should contact the editor immediately to make corrections or retract the publication.